Give a monthly cash transfer

Cash transfers are a highly efficient and empowering way to make a direct impact in an emergency.

By donating regularly, you can help someone in humanitarian crisis rebuild their life.

send a parcel travels 1000 miles by road from the UK. give cash someone walks 1 mile to the local shop to buy what they need send a parcel travels 1000 miles by road from the UK. give cash someone walks 1 mile to the local shop to buy what they need
Give now

Cash is efficient.

Cash is efficient.

18% more people could be helped at no extra cost if they received cash instead of food.

Cash is impactful.

Cash is impactful.

We reached 7 million people in 82 countries with cash transfers in 2021.

Cash gives dignity.

Cash gives dignity.

4 in 5 people in crisis prefer receiving cash to aid parcels, so they can buy what they really need.

Your monthly gift currently supports: people in Ukraine and neighbouring countries affected by the conflict

We run cash transfer programmes across the world to help many families in crisis, such as in Türkiye, Syria and Yemen. Your monthly gift may support different cash transfer programmes over time, for example, when an emergency happens.

By giving regularly, your money has the greatest impact.

Currently your cash transfer will be used to help someone affected by the conflict in Ukraine to afford food, rent, medicine – and take back control of their life.

The effectiveness of cash transfers is backed up in studies by UNHCR, ODI, DfID and more.

We are currently transferring cash to people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, so they can buy the things they really need.

mother with daughter


“This [cash] card will allow me to buy food. I hope to be reunited with my family again.”

mother with daughter


“This [cash] card will help us make a home here...just to continue our life.”

mother with daughter


“The first thing I will buy will be food, but if I have money left, I will go to the dentist.”


+What are “cash transfers”?

+How is cash distributed?

+Who will my donation support?

+What do people spend their money on?

+How do I know the money won't be spent in the wrong way?

+Where can I find out more information about Red Cross cash transfers?